Some of you know that I was blessed to attend the inaugural Birth Without Fear Conference last month in Arlington, TX.
I’m so excited to share with you this fun video I put together from that amazing weekend!
I just love this little family so much!! I got to capture a lovely afternoon of them enjoying their brand new baby, “Colby”, at home a few days after they brought him home from the hospital.
Laura, you’ve done it again! You are amazing!!
That’s pretty much all I can say to describe this birth experience in a nutshell.
Perfect little Cody Taylor arrived quickly and beautifully during an amazing waterbirth at the Mountain Midwifery Center here in Denver, CO.
And the first thing he wanted to do was reach up and give his sweet momma a hug.
(Please read their birth story by clicking “Read full post” below before watching their video. **As always, this video is completely modest.**)
Such a beautiful birth story, it’s amazing how you capture the moment perfectly and you can see how much love you have for this. Amazing job ❤️
Thank for your love and support to the Wolff family. Thank you for making this amazing birth memory for them. Beautiful. Wow.
Like in the case of Michelle & Roger, sometimes it’s hard to get a good read on chemistry with clients at a consult. But
This turned out to be one of my all-time favorite couples to work with.
And they just happened to make one of the most beautiful babies I’ve ever seen, wouldn’t you agree??
Sometimes birth doesn’t go as “planned”. But after a lot of blood, sweat & tears, sweet baby Jase still arrived in his own perfect timing, in his own way. 🙂
(Please read their birth story by clicking “Read full post” below before watching their video. **As always, this video is completely modest.**)
I loved this Laura, how healing this must have been for mama she did amazing. Gorgeous work!
Katie this is beautiful. What a wonderful way to relive his birth at anytime. It brought tears of happiness for you and the family.
This was beautiful. You did an amazing job! I even cried 🙂