Like in the case of Michelle & Roger, sometimes it’s hard to get a good read on chemistry with clients at a consult. But
This turned out to be one of my all-time favorite couples to work with.
And they just happened to make one of the most beautiful babies I’ve ever seen, wouldn’t you agree??
Michelle was smart. She shopped around, she met with a bunch of different birth photographers around Denver, looked over lots of portfolios, and wanted just the perfect fit for her baby girl’s birthday. She had decided she just wanted photos of the day, (not a video package,) so she was narrowing down her options and trying to get a feel for who she should hire.
I was blessed to be that chosen photographer.
(but don’t worry, no feelings were hurt in the making of this birth story. 😉 We’re a tight knit group of photogs, and we all desire each woman to choose the right person for HER. We’re all so different, photogs and clients alike, and not everyone meshes perfectly.
We encourage our potential clients to find that person who they feel will complete their support team perfectly for their situation and personality.)
Unfortunately, Michelle was diagnosed with early preeclampsia a few weeks before her due date, and since she takes blood pressure meds anyway, they were scheduled for an induction at just over 38 weeks to not let it progress too far.
After doing some research on popular baby sites, such as, she chose a drug-free induction, starting with getting the Foley bulb overnight, and just stayed active all morning as contractions started coming on stronger. About noon they broke her water, and I got there soon after. That really picked up the strength of her contractions, but not really the length of them. She was amazing; walking the halls, sitting on the labor ball, standing as much as possible to bring her baby down.
I loved watching how wonderful her husband, Roger, was with her through the entire labor process. And I teared up a little bit at one point as he read my all-time favorite children’s book “On The Night You Were Born” to the baby as Michelle was laboring in bed.
I have to say, it wasn’t too bad enjoying Michelle’s favorite movie “You’ve Got Mail” playing on repeat throughout the day as well. 😉
One of my other favorite parts of this birth experience was getting to know Michelle’s younger sister Megan. She was just enthralled by her sister’s strength and beauty throughout her whole labor. Watching a loved one in labor is the hardest thing, but also creates the deepest admiration you’ve ever had for them. It was so cool to see Megan watching her with awe and falling apart in tears as soon as Evelyn made her entrance.
This incredible momma was at 6cm for quite some time, so in the early evening (I believe around 7pm) when she was having a REALLY difficult time managing the contractions anymore and the doctor said that her contractions were strong, but not quite long enough, she opted to get the epidural before trying any pitocin. And guess what? The moment she laid back down, before it had started to take effect, she cried out “LOTS OF PRESSURE!” She was checked and all of a sudden she was 8cm! Within an hour she was completely dilated, but when she did a few practice pushes, baby was still up too high and she would have had to push for a really long time.
So they turned up the epidural and sent everyone out for awhile so she could rest, get some sleep, and let her body labor that baby down without her exerting the extra effort on pushing.
After a couple of hours, they turned the epidural off so that when she could start to feel pressure again she would be ready to push, and boy, when it started to wear off, she was READY!
After 16 minutes of pushing, little Evelyn Cecilia Pearce was born at 11:46pm on October 4th, 2013, weighing 6 lbs 1.5oz and 19 inches long.
Enjoy this lovely letter written to Evelyn from Michelle, and relive this magical day with them.

**note: even though Michelle referred to me as a “doula/photographer”, I need to clarify that even though I am working toward getting my doula certification eventually, I am not currently a certified doula, nor do I offer that as a paid service.
In some cases, (especially when mom is laboring naturally for as long as she can and trying to avoid interventions as much as possible,) when mom solicits advice or assistance, we just end up forming a special bond, woman to woman, mother to mother… and I end up as part of her labor support team, helping dad as well know what to say or do when mom starts to hit their breaking point. This is part of the reason this birth experience was so special to me, because we ended up with this incredible bond, looking into her eyes continuously through the toughest moments of labor and pushing, then through tears of relief when Evelyn was laid safely on her chest. Truly, the most intense, miraculous moments in life.
Pearce Family, thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you and capture Evelyn’s birth-day.
I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter, more loving family to see Evelyn be welcomed into.
Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Puyallup, Washington birth photographer & videographer