Elias Lee’s birth story | Los Angeles Birth Photographer & Videographer


This family has such a special place in my heart.

With a 17 month old ADORABLE older brother already excited to meet him, Elias (“Eli”) was born about 45 minutes after mom, dad, doula and I all got to the hospital.

(As always, this video is **completely** modest. Please click “Read Full Post” below video to read their story before watching.)

About 1:30am on the morning of November 26th, I got a text from their doula Misty (Divine Doula) that Megan was having contractions and they were getting closer together. We stayed in touch for awhile, while we both got ready to head out at any time.
We both then ended up going back to sleep for awhile because we weren’t hearing anything more.

About 4am Misty headed to their house (Megan’s husband had texted me about that time that they would let me know when to come- on hindsight I should have just ignored them and joined Misty at their house 😉 ) and right about 5:30 I got a laid-back text from Clint that maybe I should head there. About 20 minutes later I get texts from both Clint and Misty saying “Just meet us at the hospital!” I called Misty while en route to the hospital, and she was at their house waiting for grandparents to arrive to stay with Burke, their 17 month old, so that Clint & Megan could go on ahead to the hospital. She was starting to get anxious, because Megan said she was starting to feel pushy! And we both know that second babies generally don’t like to wait very long to arrive once that “pushiness” starts!

I GUNNED my little 90 horsepower Honda Civic straight there, (all the while saying prayers of thanks that it was so early in the morning and didn’t have rush hour traffic to deal with!) and made it about 6:30am. I found them quickly inside, laboring in bed but filling the bathtub for her to get into soon. She spent a whole 5 minutes(ish) in the tub before her water broke and she was feeling even more pressure! Isn’t it amazing to see in the video how well she was managing labor in the tub, even a mere 20 minutes before Eli arrived?!

Once back on the bed, it was time to start pushing right about 7am, and perfect little Elias Lee only needed a few pushes to join us earthside at 7:08!

Megan and Clint marveled at his head full of dark hair, (much more than big brother,) and his slightly bruised face from coming so fast, (also in stark opposition to his brother, who took hours of pushing, and wanted to come posterior and with a nuchal hand. Let’s just say this was a much more pleasant delivery experience for everyone! ;)) As you can see, he is absolute perfection, and so, so loved.

It was especially fun to put together this video as I have transitioned my newborn sessions to a few less photos and more video footage to include in their final video. We only posed little Eli for a few shots, and mostly just tried to capture the wonderful moments of them enjoying their new life as a family of four all together. I’m SO in love with the new process and giving them a full family film to enjoy forever, and also remember Burke in this cute stage of becoming a big brother at 17 months.

Thank you, E Family, for allowing me to be a part of this amazing experience and fall in love with you all along the way! Eli is the luckiest. 🙂



Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Puyallup, Washington birth photographer & videographer


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